card-factory NPM Package

Why Did I Make This?

Solitaire was made in a way that we always planned on extending it to other types of cards. The logical next step was to build an npm package where anyone could use the product we have built!

npm page for card-factory

Are there any other similar packages?

On my searching I could only find a couple of similar packages, none of which had as many features as what we planned on making. A lot of packages will provide nicer looking cards (we aimed for no images, only text and css). But none offered anything for interactivity or animation, or easy to understand rules systems. I believe that the ease of using our package can enable beginner programmers to build card games easily!

card-factory home page

Any Hurdles On This Project?

I think the biggest struggle I faced was dealing with different internet explorers. I typically spend most of my time using chrome and debugging / styling in chrome. Everything was working and looking great until I booted up Safari and found that a lot of things I had done to alter the drag image for drag and drop were not working correctly. Then the discovery that drag and drop functionality didn't translate to touch and drop was a little heart breaking at first. Overall I am happy with how the drag/touch and drop works, I know there still is a bit of work to be done for Safari and ios to look the same as chrome.

Any Further Plans With This Project?

I hope to have this open source project have other collaborators and for it to be used by lots of people! I am still working on it, and plan to continue with updates.