Calgary Cleaning Site

What Tech Stack Did I Use?

This move out cleaning site is built using React, SASS Javascript and HTML. This was my first professional project, outside of the scope of The Odin Project, and personal projects.

screenshot of mocc home page

Where's It Hosted?

The cleaning site is hosted on netlify, taking advantage of the free plan. The contact forms are hooked up and working! If you live in the Calgary area and are looking for a cleaning service please feel free to submit a form!

screenshot of mocc content

What Were The Biggest Hurdles?

Through most of my projects in The Odin Project I'll admit I kind of brushed off the CSS, on the mentality of "as long as it works who cares what it looks like". Well, that put me at a disadvantage when it came to building this site... I was unfamiliar with responsive design, having built nothing meant for phones. Overall, I am happy with the outcome, looking at it now I see some improvements I could have made for better visual appeal, but it's just a step in my learning adventure.

screenshot of mocc contact page